Saturday, October 20, 2012

Just call me the chicken lady!

I know I wrote a blog about chickens yesterday, but I seriously love chicken.

I didn't know how fascinating they were until I got some of my own. I grew up with chickens and always loved getting the eggs...reaching under the hen who was still in the nesting box and the egg would be really warm. Loved that part.

What I didn't like was cracking a fertilized egg open and there being blood from the forming chicken that was killed during its growing process....that I don't like.
But for my farm I am so excited about getting eggs (I check like four times a day), that we don't let the eggs sit and have the chance to grow. They go right in the fridge which kills the growing egg and then they get cleaned either for when I sell them or before I feed them to my family.

So today I went out this morning and all of my chickens had gotten out of their pen, and when I call hem they all come running, really they are so funny.

So when I got them to come in and I threw some scratch out for them, I started video taping them.

One hen was stressing out, even pacing because she needed to lay an egg and couldn't figure out how to get back into the hen house to jump in he nesting boxes. I laughed because women who have ever been prego know the affects of "baby brain".

So here's the pics and videos of my morning chicken experience.

Don't mind my crackly voice, it was early, haha
Two eggs today so far!
This is the sound they make when you take their eggs, it's what I was describing in yesterday's post.
My chickens running when I call them....Love them!!!!!


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