Thursday, October 25, 2012

Feeling relieved

I have been stressing out so bad over a speech I needed to give at school. I've had like 3 weeks to prepare, and I didn't procrastinate totally, but I really didn't put it together until yesterday...I had to give the speech today.

I'm such a perfectionist I was freaking out that I was going to look like an idiot, because of the last minute organization.
Well, drum roll please....
I did GREAT!
Everyone gets critiqued after their speech and my classmates said there was nothing they could say bad or they wouldn't change anything. One classmate said I should become a teacher because I seemed so natural in front of the class. That's not what I plan on doing with my degree, but it made me feel good. Maybe I should relax a bit. Haha, fat chance of that.

So in feeling pretty good, sitting in my Tahoe waiting for my physical therapy appointment time.
Today was a good day! Thank you

Here's a picture of my view right now.


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