Thursday, February 7, 2013


I simply love Morning Star products.  I have been counting calories for what seems like a century.  So when I got the opportunity to try this healthy option line of food, I was like, um....yeah!

My absolute favorite is the Spicy Black Bean burger.  It seriously does not taste like health food, who know like cardboard.  These burgers cook super fast, so if you're a mom like me and have to cook EVERYONE else's food first, these are great.  Cook it up before the rest of the family has gotten through creating their own hamburger bun masterpiece, add some cheese to it and viola! You're eating with the rest of the family.

I've also tried some of their other burgers, like the chicken patty and the veggie burger.  The chicken patty is really delish!  If you add some cheese and shredded lettuce and close your eyes, you might even think you were getting a chicken sandwich at a fast food joint.

Overall, my review of Morning Star is a HUGE two thumbs up!!

This is a guilt free, healthy option that will definitely be on my shopping lists for a long time.


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