Monday, December 24, 2012

Eukanauba Dog Food Review



So I got to try a dog food that I always wished that I could afford to buy for my dog...Eukanuba.

I was excited because this dog food was advertised to help with tartar build up and help the dog have a healthier shinier coat.

I chose a dog food that was a weight control as well.  I thought what a plus.  Help my slightly (cough) overweight dog with her tartar buildup, get a shiny coat and lose a few pounds.

What else was cool was in the Bzz Kit came a flashlight, well it wasn't just any flashlight, it was a black light you are supposed to check to see how bad the buildup of tartar is in your dogs mouth.  I had my husband help me and low and wasn't that bad.  There was only a couple of spots on her canine teeth.

So she has been on this new dog food for about a month and I checked her teeth again.  The spots were still there.  Now granted she is 8 and didn't have much to begin with because she chews on sticks all the time.  But I thought that since she didn't have much to begin with that the dog food would take care of it.  I didn't really notice anything with her coat, the only thing it did help her with was her smelly gas.

This dog food normally is pretty expensive and I think people justify spending that much because Eukanuba really has a great reputation for being the top of the market where dog food is concerned.  For us, since the advertised benefits weren't really benefits to us, I won't be buying this dog food for our precious Daisy.  There are other great dog foods on the market that offer similar benefits for less money.

Thanks Bzz Agent and Eukanuba for the chance to review this dog food.

Post Alpha Bits Cereal Review


I got to try a really great cereal, Post Alpha Bits Super Why.  Super Why is a show that is on television that helps children learn.  My youngest LOVES this show  and was super excited that I got to try some Super Why cereal.

The box was literally gone in 2 days.  My kids loved it.  With my youngest being in kindergarten and learning to recognize the letters of the alphabet this cereal was really awesome to get him started in the morning (well at least for 2 days anyway until the cool new box of cereal was gone).  He was so excited to see letters in his bowl of cereal that he had seen at school and even tried to spell words on his spoon.  One time even bringing me his spoon while I was in the shower getting ready, how fun for me!  (that sentence ended with a sarcastic note if you didn't catch it the first time).

Overall I think this cereal is a great start to any child's day and made me, as a super busy mom, feel a little better about what I'm feeding my kids before school.

Thanks Post for allowing me to try such a great product!